Invitation Wording

Invitation Wording

A great weddinging invitation should be beautiful and informative. It should include all essential elements: 1) who’s hosting, 2) the request to come to the wedding, 3) the names of the bride and groom, 4) the date and time, 5) the location, 6) reception information, 7) dress code, and 8) separate RSVP card.
Here are some standard wording templates for your reference:

English Invitation Wording Sample 1

With great joy
you are invited to
celebrate the marriage of
Branda Lee
Kai Lang
Saturday, the eighth of June
two thousand nineteen
at six in the evening
Brock House Restaurant
3875 Point Grey Road, Vancouver
Dinner, Dancing & Merriment to follow

English Invitation Wording Sample 2

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Lee
and Mr. and Mrs. Jacky Lang
Invite you to celebrate the marriage of their children
Branda Lee and Kai Lang
Saturday, the eighth of June, two thousand nineteen
Six o’clock in the evening | Brock House Restaurant | Vancouver BC
followed by dinner & dancing

Chinese Invitation Wording Sample 1

送呈      陳健元     台啟
謹訂於 二0一九年十一月十五日(星期三)
為    張志維/林心如     舉行結婚典禮
恭請  光臨
席設:Brock House Restaurant
父 張立行  母 王儷玲     敬邀

Chinese Invitation Wording Sample 2

謹訂於 二0一九年十一月十五日(星期三)
下午七時為  長男志維/小女心如
在溫哥華Christ Church Cathedral
3875 Point Grey Road, Brock House Restaurant
張立行/ 王儷玲    林凱信/徐小芬 敬邀